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Chicago Hair Transplant Clinic
Chicago Hair Transplant Clinic
Hair Tranplant Before and After Photos_e

Hi Everyone -

I am a patient of Dr. Panine and this is my review of my 2,600 graft FUE procedure.  Right now I am just about 18 months post op and could not be more thrilled with the results.


Initial Consultation

For about a year I combed through what seemed like hundreds of pages of internet research on hair loss and hair transplant doctors in the Chicago-land area.  I settled on three possible options for my procedure and decided to make an initial consultation with each of them.

What I felt set Dr. Panine and his team apart was their commitment to me.  Starting with Stuart and all the way through the whole team I always felt like they had my best interests at heart -- and most importantly they listened to me.  Dr. Panine and Stuart addressed my questions and concerns and then we got out to building a plan of attack.  What also stood out to me was that Dr. Panine never over promised anything.  Looking back 18 months later I can honestly say he delivered exactly what he said he would deliver on. 

The team was very upfront that no one can accurately predict hair loss and gave me some guidance and best practices for after my operation.  I really liked this because I felt like I was creating a partnership with them for the long haul, as opposed to just having my procedure and then they'd be done with me.  This really helped make my decision to go with Dr. Panine much easier.


Pre Op

Over communication became a theme throughout this process -- and I was very grateful for that.  Stuart and I chatted a few times a week leading up to my procedure and he made sure I had everything I needed and that if I had any questions he was right there to answer them.


ay of Op

In total my procedure lasted about 12 hours -- but honestly the day flew by.  My comfort was paramount to the team that day, they really made me feel welcome.

Dr. Panine made sure he explained everything upfront as well as he went along.  He allowed me to ask questions, get up and stretch and make sure I always had enough food and water.  Having the big screen TV at my disposal was an excellent touch as well!

At the end of the day Stuart was nice enough to drive me home -- what a stand up guy he is.



The next day I came back into the office and Stuart took off my bandages, cleaned up me and took some photos.  The recovery from there was all exactly as Dr. Panine and Stuart said it would be.  The team communicated with me very well and helped me get everything moving in the right direction for a speedy recovery.  The swelling lasted a few days and after that we were off and running.

I met with Dr. Panine & Stuart every few months just to do a status check and what always amazed me about these meetings was how on top of everything they were.  They helped me understand how things were progressing and what to expect next.

Overall the recovery was very smooth and I was one of the lucky ones who progressed a bit faster than normal.  It was such a great feeling to wake up every morning and see what new progress I had made.  I kept my own journal of pictures that I took each month -- going back and looking at them is nothing short of amazing.



The decision to have this procedure done absolutely changed my life.  I know this sounds super cheesy but I honestly feel like a new person.

Choosing Dr. Panine really came down to his personal touch, commitment to me and the ability of his team to go above and beyond my expectations.  I would be remiss if I didn't give a huge shout out to Stuart as well.  His kindness, understanding and ability to communicate makes him one of the best in the business -- he is truly a difference maker.  I would recommend Dr. Panine not only for artistry, care and execution -- but also because Stuart is there to make you feel confident about the process the whole way through.

Max Power

Max Power Hair Transplant
Max Power Before Hair Transplant
Max Power Before Hair Restoration Chicago
Hair transplant recipient area after FUE
Hairline After Hair Transplant with Dr. Panine
Hair After Hair Restoration Surgery with Panine MD
Hairline After Hair Transplant with Dr. Panine
Hair After FUE Hair Transplant with Panine, MD
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